Packed everything? Then send the backpack to yourself or your companion and get going!
Mollusk of the Year 2005 and active predominantly at night, the tiger slug can rarely reach a considerable size of up to 20 cm.
With their striking markings they are unmistakable. However, weakly marked animals, also known as the large slug, can be confused with the also nocturnal black slug, as it can sometimes have weak markings.
The two species can be clearly distinguished by the colour of the underside of the sole: in the tiger slug it is a single, light colour, while in the black slug it is only light in the middle and broadly dark on the sides.
Slugs are generally considered useful because they overpower some slugs that are considered pests and decimate their eggs and young. However, slugs are mainly interested in rotting - and less frequently in fresh - plant material as food.
And in case tiger slugs happen to eat your salad, you should be gentle with them, because they keep their voracious relatives in check.
By the way: The tiger slug must be considered an immigrant because it comes from the Mediterranean region. And: not all researchers are convinced that the tiger slug is really useful in the garden.
But if you like the tiger, you should set up water bowls in hot summers so that it has the opportunity to moisten itself. Snails always need water, otherwise they cannot produce the slime carpet on which they move.
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