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"Habitat Water"
On May 30.05.2022th, 7, the students of the XNUMXth grade natural sciences elective course attended the Jodocus Nünning Comprehensive School in Borken, looking forward to an exciting day in nature, the Biological Station in Zwillbrock. Dr. Stefanie Bölting from the BNE Regional Center of the Nature and Westmünsterland Foundation welcomed the guests at the Biological Station and took everyone present to the Blänke in the nature reserve. In a round of introductions, Ms. Kraß gave a brief overview of the Naturpark Hohe Mark and reported on the cooperation between the partners Kaufland and the Association of Germans Naturparke. The topic of the nature action day and the conflicts of interest in the use of land and water then came up. It became clear that nature conservation measures sometimes reduce the yield of farmland and are nevertheless important in order to preserve the existential habitat for many rare and endangered species.
Through the careful exchange of the various arguments, the sense of responsibility for one's own actions with and in nature should be strengthened. With bowls, magnifying glasses and landing nets, everyone involved was able to convince themselves of the biodiversity in the small lake. Using information cards and expert information from Mrs. Bölting, the creatures were identified and the morphological adaptation, the ecological significance and a very general knowledge of the species were conveyed.
After a refreshment we went to the second part of the nature action day. On a non-public path, guests were able to discover the well-known feathered and breeding inhabitants of the small island in the nature reserve. Flamingos and black-headed gulls have settled here, a constantly growing colony. Flamingos have been a specialty in the Zwillbrocker Venn since the 1980s. Ms. Bölting presented the different species of pink birds found in the Fens. The students learn with great interest that Currently around 50 flamingos visit the breeding colony during the breeding season in April and May and the young birds that hatched in Zwillbrock return to their breeding colony years later.
The guests said goodbye in a good mood and well informed and everyone had clearly enjoyed the nature action day.
As part of the cooperation between Kaufland and the VDN e. V. Kaufland is again supporting 2022 nature action days in 40. The aim of this project is to bring aspects of nature closer to the pupils in a playful way and to strengthen the following skills as far as possible:
– Recognizing and naming native animals and plants, – consciously experiencing the forest habitat and – discovering nature with several senses.
For many it is new territory to experience and shape community. This nature action day experience outside of the usual horizon of experience is ideally suited for this.
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