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Im Naturpark Hohe Mark There are many nocturnal animals: small, large, green, brown... animals that couldn't be more different. But they all have one thing in common - they are active at night and they need darkness to exist.
Maybe you have already seen one of the animals we present on this page…


Brown long-eared ear

Heat-loving flying acrobat. Huge, almost body-length ears, which are connected to a fold of skin over the forehead, and large, lively eyes characterize the face of the Brown Long-eared Bat (Plecotus sylvatica).
However, with their large ears and short, broad wings, which ensure flight stability, they are true flying artists: their hovering flight allows them to fly on a…

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Tree frog

Der Froschkönig (Hyla arborea)Most people are familiar with the tree frog from fairy tales or as a weather frog. But very few have seen it in the wild. Why is that? Because of its way of life. It is a good climber and likes to stay in bushes or trees, perfectly camouflaged by its green color.

Anyone who wants to experience the concert of the tree frogs…

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Tiger slug

Mollusk of the Year 2005 and active predominantly at night, the tiger slug can rarely reach a considerable size of up to 20 cm.

With their striking markings, they are unmistakable. However, weakly marked animals, also known as the large slug, can be confused with the equally nocturnal black slug, as it sometimes...

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Common Night Wolf

Exceptionally motherly. There are about 1000 species of spiders in Germany. Wolf spiders form a separate family among these species. The common night wolf (Trochosa terricola)The wolf spider probably got its name from the way it hunts, because it does not weave webs, but hunts by sight. Its diet consists of insects such as ground beetles, grasshoppers, fly larvae, but also other…

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Little firefly

Passionate glow. Actually, fireflies are not worms at all, but beetles. The different species form their own family within the order of beetles, the fireflies.
We call them glowworms or glowworms because the female resembles a worm and because of their special “light cells” on the belly of the…

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Birch tooth moth

The birch tooth tensioner (Pheosia gnoma) is a moth from the family of the tooth moths (Notodontidae)It is strongly dependent on the presence of birch trees, where its caterpillars prefer to develop - but they can also occasionally be found on poplars.
In the acidic forests of the Dingden Heath, where the birch is widespread, this takes place…

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Agate owl moth

Attractive moth. The delicately drawn Agate Owl Moth (Habrosyne pyritoides), can be regarded as a typical species of blackberry bushes and forest edges within the Dingden Heath.
Its front wings are impressively beautiful and have a pattern similar to that of the semi-precious stone. The coloring of its hind wings is more grey-brown and lighter in the middle. Span…

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Large Boat Spinner

Bright green beautyFormerly known as the Oak Barbet, this beautiful butterfly represents the oak-dominated forests in the Büngener/Dingdener Heide area like no other.
In Europe, the butterflies reach a wingspan of 17 to 23 millimetres and have a medium to strong body. Their front wings are broad and only reach 1,5…

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Medium wine hawk moth

Beneficiaries of introduced plants and a wonderfully colourful moth is the Middle Vine Hawk-moth (Deilephila elpenor)When darkness falls, it flutters from flower to flower, just as hummingbird hawk-moths do during the day.
It can be seen flying from mid-May to around the beginning of July. It prefers wetter areas where willowherb grows...

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Small Peacock Butterfly

Dazzlingly elegant. The Small Peacock Butterfly (Saturnia pavonia) can be considered a typical species of Calluna-Heiden although it can also be found in other habitat types. The short-lived butterflies, they only live for a few days, are mainly active during the day and the males can be seen flying from the beginning of April. The lazy-flying females remain in the air after the …

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Perfect camouflage. Forleule (Panolis flammea) , also called the pine moth, is a rather small moth with a wingspan of 30-40mm. The coloring of the moth's front wings is relatively colorful and contrasting and includes cinnamon-red, yellow-brown and gray-brown elements. The characteristic white spots are striking. Read more

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Naturpark High mark
im Naturparkhouse Tiergarten Schloss Raesfeld
Tiergarten 1
46348 Raesfeld
Phone: 02865-609110