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Nature activities - days in nature

2022 nature campaigns


“Nature Action Days 2022” – “We make nature tangible”

  Adventure educational nature event

Pupils in the 2nd grade of the Schopenhauer elementary school in Dortmund visited the Naturpark High mark.

On June 15.06.2022th, 2, the XNUMXnd graders of the Schopenhauer elementary school in Dortmund, accompanied by the class teacher and an accompanying teacher, got off the bus with joy and excitement. The unfamiliar terrain in the vicinity of the Naturparkexplored the house in Raesfeld. In a round of introductions, with a little refreshment, Mrs. Krass from Naturpark Hohe Mark a brief overview of the Naturpark and reported on the cooperation between the partners Kaufland and the Association of Germans Naturparke. The next step was the topic of the nature action day, which, in addition to discovering the natural environment, also dealt with social skills and competencies such as the ability to cooperate, communicate with one another and teamwork.

Outdoor trainer Manuel Nagel from the nature experience school in Raesfeld started the nature journey with a presentation of the games. Afterwards, we discussed together what is important in the game. The aim of the reflection units between the individual nature actions was to playfully develop and deepen the interplay between the individual, group and nature as an approach to experiential education.

It all started with the deer game, in which the students had to approach the “deer” as successfully as possible and not be disappointed if they were discovered. After the game, it was worked out together that it doesn't matter if you're disappointed because you have to start again and you're not among the first to succeed in the game. It quickly became clear to all the children that enjoying the game is more important than being a winner. In the moor game, the pupils had to move across the “moor” with safe standing areas and quickly learned that this could be mastered most successfully in a team. Saying "You did well!" made everyone happy and put a smile on their faces.

The next game was about happiness and happiness. Playing with the rope got all the children really up to speed and when the many playground equipment on the area of ​​the nature adventure area under the leafy forest could also be used, the children could no longer be held back. The offer of climbing, jumping and hopping on the forest playground was happily used extensively. After that, the unanimous opinion was that it had been a lot of fun and that the children would have liked to have stayed longer.

Happy and happy, the students lined up with their teachers for a group photo and proudly presented their certificate "Naturpark- Explorers". They said goodbye in a good mood Naturpark-Discoverers and everyone had visibly enjoyed the nature action day.


As part of the cooperation between Kaufland and the VDN e. V. Kaufland is again supporting 2022 nature action days in 40. The aim of this project is to bring aspects of nature closer to the pupils in a playful way and to strengthen the following skills as far as possible:

– Recognizing and naming native animals and plants, – consciously experiencing the forest habitat and – discovering nature with several senses.

For many it is new territory to experience and shape community. This nature action day experience outside of the usual horizon of experience is ideally suited for this.


  Adventure educational nature event

Pupils of the 1st class of the Comenius elementary school in Dortmund visited the Naturpark High mark.

Am 09.06.2022 the pupils of the 1st class of the Comenius elementary school in Dortmund, accompanied by the class teacher and the accompanying teacher, got off the bus with joy and excitement. The unfamiliar terrain in the vicinity of the Naturparkexplored the house in Raesfeld. In a round of introductions, with a little refreshment, Mrs. Krass from Naturpark Hohe Mark a brief overview of the Naturpark and reported on the cooperation between the partners Kaufland and the Association of Germans Naturparke. The next step was the topic of the nature action day, which, in addition to discovering the natural environment, also dealt with social skills and competencies such as the ability to cooperate, communicate with one another and teamwork.

Outdoor trainer Christin Boes from the nature experience school in Raesfeld started the nature journey with a presentation of the games. Then we worked out together what is important in the game. It started with the ice floe game, here the focus was on skill and teamwork, which worked very well because all the students supported each other.

The subsequent soil analysis of the forest area is also a great pleasure for all participants. Equipped with magnifying glasses, brushes and glasses, groups went on a journey of discovery. The small forest dwellers could be identified on the basis of display boards. The game "Fotoapparat" required trusting guidance over the forest floor. In a team of two, the partner child was led with their eyes closed to a special detail of nature as a photo motif. Then the child was allowed to open its eyes and this photo moment was discussed and viewed together.

In the next round of play, each child had the opportunity to use a natural fiber cord to make a gift with materials from the forest and then to thank their partner for the good cooperation based on partnership. With joy and a lot of imagination, such wonderful natural gifts came about.

The aim of the reflection units between the individual nature actions was to playfully develop and deepen the interplay between the individual, group and nature as an approach to experiential education.

Before heading home, the students lined up for a group photo and proudly presented their certificates.Naturpark- Explorers". Afterwards, everyone romped around on the adjacent playground Naturparkhome, which the children had already noticed when they arrived. With great joy, the offer for climbing, jumping and hopping on the forest playground was extensively used. They said goodbye in a good mood Naturpark-Discoverers and everyone had visibly enjoyed the nature action day.

As part of the cooperation between Kaufland and the VDN e. V. Kaufland is again supporting 2022 nature action days in 40. The aim of this project is to bring aspects of nature closer to the pupils in a playful way and to strengthen the following skills as far as possible:

– Recognizing and naming native animals and plants, – consciously experiencing the forest habitat and – discovering nature with several senses.

For many it is new territory to experience and shape community. This nature action day experience outside of the usual horizon of experience is ideally suited for this.


  • "We make nature tangible"

"Habitat Water"

On May 30.05.2022th, 7, the students of the XNUMXth grade natural sciences elective course attended the Jodocus Nünning Comprehensive School in Borken, with the anticipation of an exciting day in nature, the Biological Station in Zwillbrock.   Miss Dr. Stefanie Bölting from the ESD Regional Center for the Nature and West Foundationmünsterland welcomed the guests at the Biological Station and took everyone present to the nature reserve for a swim. In a round of introductions, Ms. Krass gave a brief overview of the Naturpark Hohe Mark and reported on the cooperation between the partners Kaufland and the Association of Germans Naturparke. The topic of the nature action day and the conflicts of interest in the use of land and water then came up. It became clear that nature conservation measures sometimes reduce the yield of farmland and are nevertheless important in order to preserve the existential habitat for many rare and endangered species.

Through the careful exchange of the various arguments, the sense of responsibility for one's own actions with and in nature should be strengthened. With bowls, magnifying glasses and landing nets, everyone involved was able to convince themselves of the biodiversity in the small lake. Using information cards and expert information from Mrs. Bölting, the creatures were identified and the morphological adaptation, the ecological significance and a very general knowledge of the species were conveyed.

2021 nature campaigns


“Nature Action Days 2021” – “We make nature tangible”

3rd graders from Schule-am-Siedlerweg were guests at the Naturpark Hohe Mark and spent an unforgettable nature action day in the forests around Naturparkhouse in Raesfeld

In a good mood and looking forward to an outdoor event in the woods on Naturparkhouse in Raesfeld, the students and accompanying teachers from the elementary school in Oberhausen got off the bus.

After a round of introductions, the staff at the NaturErlebnisSchule reported on historical records that had recently been found in the castle. This document contained information that a significant treasure that had been looted during war operations would be in the castle woods.

Motivated and interested, the 3 c went on the journey to salvage the treasure. It quickly became clear to the children that it would not be possible to pass the upcoming climbing exercises and interaction games without mutual agreements and organized cooperation. "The children's ambition was aroused and over the course of the day the students became more and more self-confident in an environment that was largely unfamiliar to them, nature," observed Barbara Krass, an employee in the office of the Naturparks High Mark e. V.. After a joint picnic under the canopy of leaves, the treasure hunt continued with a wealth of ideas. With a lot of joy and deserved pride, the treasure chest was recovered from a small island and honestly distributed to all active treasure-seeking nature explorers. The Rod of Wisdom accompanied the children throughout the day and reminded them of values ​​such as listening, trusting, helping others and encouraging them.


  • "The forest habitat through the ages"

Schü4th grade students from the Alsfeld School in Oberhausen were guests at the Biological Station in the Zwillbrocker Venn in Vreden and dealt with the effects of human trafficking on the forest on the Nature Action Day.

The bus drove up to the Biological Station in Zwillbrock at the agreed time. The 4th class from the Alsfeld School had arrived and were looking forward to an exciting day of nature activities around the Biological Station in Zwillbrock. After the long bus ride, all students first had to arrive on site. Well strengthened, all the students formulated their expectations of the day of action in nature, which the class had been looking forward to for so long, into the "forest microphone". At the beginning, dealing with each other and dealing with nature was discussed in a circle of chairs. Using picture cards, each student could choose a card on the subject of the forestheiden and exchange previous knowledge and ideas with your classmates. Due to the varied use of the forest, the conflicts of interest and goals between the use as a supplier of raw materials for economic purposes and the conflict of the function as a recreational and climate protection forest were well worked out by the children. The students named things that are often brought in everyday life, such as chairs and tables and also paper. The children surprised with interdisciplinary knowledge. One student described the 'greenhouse effect' and another student shared his knowledge of tree rings and humus formation, which is so important for continued plant growth, with the class circle for further inspiration.

After the theoretical part of the day, everyone was looking forward to discovering the nature reserve around the Zwillbrocker Venn, including an extensive picnic. On the way there was always information from the biologist Mrs. Kern about the moors, forests, wet meadows and water areas in the district Borken. The children learned that forest plants and animals are important “climate protection officers”.

Due to the proximity to the border with the Netherlands, Ms. Kern also knew about some smugglers' stories from the past, which were particularly exciting for the children.

The guided nature adventure games, the soil animal regulations and the free creative play were a great experience for the motivated students.

In the afternoon the whole class agreed that it was a successful nature action day in the woods around the Zwillbrocker Venn.







  • "Out and about in the forest, which takes on many important functions for people and animals!"

8th grade students from the Jeannette Wolffs School from Dortmund were guests at the Biological Station in the Zwillbrocker Venn in Vreden and dealt with the effects of human trafficking on the forest on the Nature Action Day.

The 8th grade of the Jeannette Wolffs School drove to the Biological Station Zwillbrock to find out more about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN) and the various tasks of the forest. A selection of the various goals from the topics: culture, politics, ecology, economy and social issues were discussed in the chair group. In the subsequent active question and answer session, each student was able to express his or her own opinion on given questions. This was followed by a digital nature adventure rally in the area around the Zwillbrocker Venn. In small groups, the students set out to answer assignments on local issues as well as general nature conservation issues. Background information rounded off the biparcours. The rally covered all 17 goals for a world worth living in and on the way the nature reserve was explored by the participants.

In the premises of the biological station, the questions of the biparcours app were discussed afterwards and the opinions of the students were asked again.

Due to the active discussion of the 17 sustainability goals, the questions in the opening round were now answered differently by some students at the end of the nature action day and a rethinking became clear.

The nature action days were made possible through the mediation and support of the Association of Germans Naturparke e. V., as well as through the financial participation of the company Kaufland, who have set themselves the goal of offering school classes with a high proportion of children from socially disadvantaged families a nature experience trip to a neighboring Naturpark to enable, as these children often have few opportunities for nature experience. The nature action day was organized by the Naturpark Hohe Mark e. V.

2019 nature campaigns


  • Municipal special school "Schillerschule" from Oberhausen as a guest at Naturpark High mark

The floor has many functions and has many questions for us! It offers space to live, our food grows on it, it filters and stores our water, breaks down pollutants and tells stories. Pupils from the municipal special needs school "Schillerschule" from Oberhausen were able to go on an exciting journey of discovery into the soil ecosystem on Wednesday, July 10.07.2019th, XNUMX at the nature action day in Naturpark Hohe Mark Mark in cooperation with the Biological Station Zwillbrock. This day of action was made possible by a cooperation of the Association of German Naturparke e. V. (VDN) with the company Kaufland, which bears the costs for the nature action day as part of its social commitment.

After being welcomed by the managing director, Ms. Dagmar Beckmann, breakfast was served on the nature play area in the Tiergarten Schloss Raesfeld a picnic in nature and the students strengthened for a nature experience in the forest that is rare in everyday life.

Dipl. Landscape Ecologist Bettina Hüning, from Biological Station Zwillbrock e. V., with her story "This is my nature", which was about the habitat of badgers, earthworms and earth wasps, was able to vividly illustrate the importance of the soil and its inhabitants.

The pupils were interested listeners and were able to find out what tasks the animals take on in the soil ecosystem. What does our earth smell like? How different does the floor feel? Who lives in and on the ground? How hard is it to dig a hole in the ground like the badger does? Can you paint with earth colors like previous cave dwellers? At various stations, the soil ecosystem could be examined more closely and reference made to the importance of soil as the basis for one's own life.



Kaufland supports the "Nature Action Days" in Naturparken

The nature action days are part of the broad-based joint commitment by Kaufland and VDN for the NaturparkOne Germany. The aim of the cooperation is to give children from an urban environment access to nature experiences. Thanks to Kaufland’s commitment, 2018 classes at primary and secondary schools across Germany have been able to go on a one-day excursion to a nearby school since 40 Naturpark . perform

And these are just a few of the functions of our floors. Soils are valuable, they are real treasures - natural resources!


Naturpark-Discovery day with the kindergarten children "Die Waldmäuse". Heiden supported by CosmosDirekt on 26.09.2019/XNUMX/XNUMX

Subject: Stone Age / Düwelsteene

The nature discovery day began with a musical singing round in a circle of wooden blocks in the middle of the forest.

The discovery tour with the children of the forest kindergarten "Die Waldmäuse" in Heiden was under the motto "The Stone Age". The tour started on September 26th, 09 at around 2019 a.m. from the premises of the kindergarten and led from there to the "Düwelsteenen", 9.30 km away, a Neolithic megalithic tomb of the Funnel Beaker Culture (about 2,6-3500 BC).

After a break for breakfast in the area of ​​the “Elfenmoos” by the way, the children were told on the basis of prepared picture boards how even the early pre-humans used simple tools - namely stones and horse mackerel - to defend themselves against animals or to get better food. The whole thing was also implemented in a playful way, in which the children were able to “harvest” (artificial) bananas hung in the surrounding trees using long wooden sticks or to throw them down with smaller sticks. The use of stones to open hard nuts was practiced on walnuts; A certain skill is required here in order not to completely crush the nuts, and it quickly became apparent that the “hammer / anvil principle” (flat stone as a base, small, hard stone as a hammer) is the most effective.

Using other boards, the children learned that the acquired knowledge was passed on from the adults to the offspring at an early age. The further development of stone tools was also demonstrated (production of sharp-edged flint artifacts).

A significant step in the cultural history of mankind was the transition from nomadic hunters and gatherers to sedentary farmers and ranchers. Using many animal figures, it was shown which of them gradually became pets (first dog, then sheep, pig, goat, cattle, etc.).

Then it went on towards "Düwelsteene". On the way there, the children were asked to look for suitable stones at a certain point, which should largely correspond to the large stones of the grave (one flat side if possible).

From the stones collected by the children and the material brought with them, the participants rebuilt the grave complex on a small scale. The existing information board served as an illustration so that the children could understand the individual work steps, such as the transport of heavy stones with the help of round pieces of wood. Also for some of the adults present it was surprising that the boulders that are visible today, which formed the core of the complex, were previously completely encased in a mound of earth.

After completing the "en miniature" replica of the large stone grave, the children set out on a treasure hunt. According to an old report, the builders of the Neolithic tomb are said to have hidden a treasure north of it. And indeed: after an eager search with a digging stick and with bare hands, a row of perforated round disks made of (noble) stone were found in the sandy soil, as they were once worn as amulets, so that each of the children with one as a memento of this "Stone Age day" could move home. The day was a complete success for all participating children, parents and educators. Mrs. Fockenberg, head of the forest kindergarten

"The forest mice" thanked Mr. Arno Straßmann very much for the special nature experience day. Mr Straßmann, 1st chairman of the association Naturparkleader Hohe Mark eV, was able to impart a great deal of new knowledge about the "Düwelsteenen", which are the symbol of the children's home community, to all those present thanks to his specialist knowledge, said Barbara Kraß from Naturpark Hohe Mark, who established contact between the forest kindergarten and the Association of German Naturparke (VDN) had produced. the Naturpark-Discovery Day was supported by CosmosDirket and the Association of German Naturparke (VDN).

CosmosDirekt unterstützt „Naturpark-Entdeckertage“

The company CosmosDirekt is a new partner of the Association of German Naturparke and supports over 40 as part of a sponsorship Naturpark-Discovery days, the Naturparke in cooperation with schools or day-care centers during the winter weeks. The aim of the project is to give children access to nature and to provide information about nature in an experience-oriented manner.


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Naturpark High mark
Tourist Info in NaturparkhouseTiergarten Schloss Raesfeld
Tiergarten 1
46348 Raesfeld
Phone: 02865 – 609110