Packed everything? Then send the backpack to yourself or your companion and get going!
The Regional Center for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) of the NLW Foundation offers in cooperation with the Educational Institute of the Biological Station Zwillbrock eV and the Naturpark High mark which makes training as zcertified Nnature and Llandscape guide (ZNL) for Westmünsterland. Certification is carried out in cooperation with the Nature and Environmental Protection Academy (NUA) in Recklinghausen according to nationwide standards.
The qualification offer is aimed at all people who are interested in the natural, cultural and local history of their Westmünsterland region and who enjoy conveying this content to interested citizens in the form of specially designed excursions and events.
In the ZNL course, participants learn everything they need to plan and carry out their own excursions. In particular, they learn about the landscape and the natural and cultural features of the Westmünsterland region. One focus is on the topics of nature conservation and the development and preservation of the cultural landscape.
The basis for dealing with the various subject areas is the 2030 Agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. Education plays a crucial role in their implementation. In addition to imparting knowledge, promoting skills and attitudes for responsible interaction with nature and the environment as well as with people is also key. Participants therefore learn about methods of education for sustainable development (ESD) and are enabled to conduct inclusive educational events for all people.
Further information about the project can be found here
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